After a busy day of taking photos and running errands, I sat down and produced this montage, using manipulative tools in Photoshop. How do you like it? Would love any feedback.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Magnificent Morning Glories
This is the time of year to enjoy Morning Glories in Central New York. Friends of mine have them growing on the side of a barn, along with some very pretty Diplodenia. The sun was perfect for some late morning photography. Attached are two images. Next time, I will pack my tripod!
Friday, August 27, 2010
"Magic Beans"
My daughter and I refer to these beans as the Magic Beans, because of their magical qualities. The Hyacinth Bean Vine, Ruby Moon, twists its way up any support system and looks especially interesting twisted around my copper sculptures. This photo was taken after a two day rain, which we desperately needed, with the water drops still clinging to the vine. The bean grows well in sunny locations and has flowered much of the summer. I usually save the bean seeds to replant another year.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Playful Photoshop
Much of my artwork involves some manipulation in Photoship to extract parts of flowers and then to produce montages. There are so many functions in Photoshop that I have not begun to explore, but started playing with some of the artistic filters the other day. I chose one of my lotus pictures and then applied some different filters. I like the result and hope others do too. This is yet another approach to digital photography. Would love any comments and feedback.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Back lighting after a rain
I love the morning light behind the flowers, especially with a hint of rain on them. The pictures here are of Echinacea and Crocosmia, early in the morning this week. Rain has been scarce this summer and the pond is down several feet. I have to water the gardens almost every day to keep everything healthy and flowering. The days are becoming shorter already and the insects serenade in the evening. Geese seem to reflect on the changing day length and sign a chorus of confusion flying back and forth in the sky. Ah, but the summer is lovely.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Cornell University
The sun was perfect on Sunday for taking pictures at Cornell for a Cornell Campus Club poster. Two iconic buildings, the Uris Bell Tower and Willard Straight Hall photographed well against the bright blue sky. I will use the tower for a poster, and will use both buildings in some artistic renderings for montages.
Cornell Univeresity,
Uris Library,
Willard Straight
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